Royal Commission To Decide Crown Melbourne’s Fate By Aug 1

Crown Resorts

Crown Resorts had a tough year in 2020 but it looks like 2021 could be even tougher for the Australian casino operator. The NSW gaming regulator launched an investigation to see if Crown Resorts suitable to run its A$2.2 billion Crown Barangaroo casino and the investigation found that the casino operator was unsuitable to hold a casino license.

Crown Melbourne Report Due By Aug 1

The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) was forced to launch an investigation of its own into Crown Melbourne – the flagship casino of Crown Resorts in light of the findings of the NSW investigation.

The Victorian government has asked the Royal Commission to launch an investigation into Crown Melbourne. The commission will be headed by Raymond Finkelstein QC, a former judge in the federal court and a senior lawyer. The Royal Commission has time till August 1, 2021 to complete its investigation and submit its report.

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One of the main reasons for the Royal Commission investigation is to see if Crown Resorts is suitable to continue to hold and run its Crown Melbourne Casino. Helen Coonan, executive chairwoman of Crown Resorts has said that the casino operator will fully comply with the investigation and show Victorians that the operator took its responsibilities seriously.

Coonan said the Royal Commission investigation will help the operator to make changes and reforms to its policies and procedures and ensure that they always complied with gaming regulations in Victoria.

No Illegal Behaviour Will Be Accepted

Crown Melbourne has been accused on multiple occasions in recent years of deliberately breaching gaming regulations. However, the VCGLR did not take any major action against the biggest casino operator in Australia and this upset a number of gambling opponents and legislators

MP Andrew Wilkie who had earlier backed whistleblowers who had raised multiple allegations against Crown Melbourne welcomed the Royal Commission investigation and said it was about time the authorities did something to reign in Crown Melbourne.

Crown Resorts has been accused of deliberate money laundering and having ties to individuals who had deep connections to the criminal underworld in Asia. Since the NSW investigation report was released, four out of the nine board members at Crown Resorts announced their resignation.

Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews said that he approved the Royal Commission investigation because he wanted to send a clear message to the casino industry in the state that no illegal behaviour will be accepted.